Thursday, 19 November 2015

Reflection Week 6 Tearm 4

My favourite part this week was learning about hermit crabs with Mrs Quigley because I'm so interested in hermit crabs.  One thing I learnt this week was hitting the shuttle at badminton because I listened. Last weeks goal was to listen in class and I achieved that goal. My next weeks goal is to learn better in class.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Reflectin Week 5 Term 4

My favourte part this week was learning with Mrs Palmer because she is super fun.  One thing I learnt this week was the points of a compass, north, south, east and west because I'm listening better.  I achieved my goal from last week YES. 

My next weeks goal is to complete everything while Mrs Palmer is teaching us.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Reflection week 4 Term 4

My favourite part this week was being with Mrs Palmer and doing maths.  We made animals out of shapes. One thing I learnt was how many 10s are in numbers because I'm learning more about Maths now.  My goal last week was to learn more Maths games with Mrs Palmer.  I achieved this goal.  Next weeks goal is to hit the shuttle cock with the racket better.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Reflection Week 1 Term 4

My favourte part of school this week was the art exhibition because I liked looking at peoples art. One thing I learnt this week was keeping myself safe from danger and bad touching.  My goal for next week is to keep focused on my work and not be distracted by my friends.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Week 3 Term 3 Reflection


My favourte part this week was doing the fraction fish because I like shape's and learning. We had to cut circles in different ways to make fractions.  One thing I learnt this week was making the fraction fish.  I can cut a circle into quarters now.  I achieved my goal from last week.  This weeks goal is to make some new friends.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Reflection week 2 term 3


My favourite part this week was making jelly and eating it, the flavour was raspberry. One thing I learnt this week was making a pretend clock.  I can now make o'clock and half past times on my clock.  My goal this week is teaching the other children about the Tech Expo.                        

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Week 9 term 2 Reflection


My favourite part of school this week was art because I love colours. One thing I learnt this week was spreading paint. Next week my goal is staying in the  colouring lines.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Thinking about Thinking

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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Week 4 Reflecton


My favourite part of school this week was art because I love colours. One thing I leant this week is my times tables. My goal last week was to put smaller spaces in my handwriting. I did not achieve this so I will have to work on it again next week.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Week 2 Term 2 Reflection


My favourite part of school this week was drawing my soldier because I like art and colouring in. One thing that I have leant this week was how to colour one way.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

All about Me

Focus:Acrostic poem

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Week 6 Reflections


My  favourite  part  of  school  this  week  was  football  because  its  my  favourite. One  thing  I  have  learnt  this  week  is  how  to  colour  in  the  line.  For  an  example  if  you  go  out of the  line  your  picture  wont  look  very  nice.  This  week  I  focused  on  listening  to  instructions.  I  did  not  do  well  at  this so I need to focus on this again next week. 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Week 4 reflection

My  favourite  part  of  school  this  week  was  art  because  you  have  a  lot  of  colours.  One  thing  I  leant    this  week  was  my  time  tables.  Our  class  goal  was  listening  to  instructions. I  have  not achieved  this  goal  because  I  some  times  listen.  Next  week  I  am  going  to  focus  on  everything  at  school.